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Author Title Year Type Publisher Pages
Elvira Anton-Carrillo Cuba, raza y nación. El discurso de las élites en la prensa 2024 Tirant lo Blanch Humanidades
Sergio Maruenda-Bataller, Laura Mercé, Elena Ortolà Discourse, gender, and violence Insights from news and social media texts 2024 Peter Lang International Academic Publishers 268
Katharina Gallant Indigeneidad y Digitalización: Sobre el Espacio Social Físico y Virtual en Bolivia 2024 Iberoamericana/Vervuert 157-170
Luiz Trindade Hate speech and abusive behaviour on social media: A cross-cultural perspective 2024 Vernon Press 132
Luiz Trindade Disability is no laughing matter. A critical discourse analysis of disability mockery on social media in Brazil 2023 15
Laura Tommaso Ageing in the News. A Corpus-Assisted Study 2023 Aracne
Nicolina Montessori, Alexander Lautensach A blueprint for what? From a critical policy discursive analysis of UN’s sustainable development goals to a constructive rearticulation for their application 2024
Theodore Bonnah Chapter 15. A Father’s Journey: Teaching Canadian Inclusive Education in a Japanese Elementary School Special Support Education Classroom 2024 Candlin & Mynard 621
Sara Santamaría, Ted Henken Diasporic Epistemologies in Cuban Independent Journalism 2024
Sara Santamaría Caring Ecologies of the New Right and Left: Populist Performances of Care During the Pandemic 2022
Nookaraju Bendukurthi From Celebrity Stage to Digital Space: Mapping Discourse, Sensationalism, and Viralilty of Chris Rock vs. Will Smith's 2022 Oscar Memes 2024 14
Robert Butler Political Discourse Analysis: Legitimisation Strategies in Crisis and Conflict 2024 Edinburgh University Press 220
Katharina Gallant, Jolanda van der Noll Jews and Muslims in German Print Media: Integration and Multiculturalism Versus Antisemitism and Islamophobia 2024 Palgrave Macmillan 275
Jelena Kisic, Aleksandra Salamurovic Migration Discourse in Serbian Media – Analysis of National Dailies Politika, Danas and Vecernje novosti 2023 J.B. Metzler /Springer
Martina Berrocal, Aleksandra Salamurovic Political speeches as a tool of Covid19 crisis management? Discursive and linguistic localization of the crisis in Central Europe and Western Balkans 2023 John Benjamins
Aleksandra Salamurovic Konzepte der Nation im europäischen Kontext im 21. Jahrhundert. Geschichts-, politik- und sprachwissenschaftliche Zugänge 2023 J.B. Metzler /Springer 381
Mokhtar Unpacking Metaphor-related Prepositions in Political Discourse: From Polysemous to Powerful 2023 Routledge 118
Mark Dang-Anh Politisches Positionieren. Sprachliche und soziale Praktiken 2023 Universitätsverlag Winter 309
Magdalena Nowicka-Franczak, Łukasz Kumięga Analysing Discourse, Analysing Poland: The Case of a Political Interview 2023 V&R unipress 278
Zachary Gallant, Katharina Gallant Nazis All The Way Down: The Myth of the Moral Modern Germany 2023 Westend 240
Darryl Hocking Artist's statements, ‘how to guides’ and the conceptualisation of creative practice 2021 14
Darryl Hocking The Impact of Everyday Language Change on the Practices of Visual Artists 2022 Cambridge University Press
Sybille Reinke_de_Buitrago, Erica Resende Populism in Times of Spectacularization of the Pandemic: How Populists in Germany and Brazil Tried to ‘Own the Virus’ but Failed 2023
Lauren O'Hagan An Eye for an I: The Rebus as an Historical Form of Emoji 2023
Paola Paissa, Yannick Hamon Discours environnementaux : convergences et divergences 2023 Aracne 260
Agnese Sampietro Lengua e imagen en la comunicación digital 2023 Arco 96
Alfredo Lescano Prolégomènes à une sémantique des conflits sociaux 2023 Hermann 316
Johannes Angermuller, Philippe Blanchard Careers of the Professoriate. Academic pathways of the linguists and sociologists in Germany, France and the UK 2023 Palgrave
Mahmoudi Said La réception de l’image des migrants: entre représentations et lectures interprétatives lycéennes en contexte algérien 2023 222
Laksup Apirakvanalee, Yida Zhai An ideological square analysis of the podcast discourse in “Chinese Dreams” of the BBC World Service 2022
Laksup Apirakvanalee, Yida Zhai Telling stories from the New Silk Road: A news discourse analysis of BBC’s podcast episodes on the Belt and Road Initiative 2022
Simo Määttä, Marika Hall Mapping Ideology in Discourse Studies 2022 DeGruyter Mouton
Gordon Chang Revolution and Witchcraft: The Code of Ideology in Unsettled Times 2023 Palgrave Macmillan
Julia Guenther Between War and Letters: An Analysis of the Public Discourse of Germany’s Role in the Russia-Ukraine War 2023
Dennis Puorideme We Are Not “Newly Appointed Staff”: The Dark Side of Ghana’s ‘New’ Public University Management Discourse. 2022 18
Fiona Rossette-Crake, Elvis Buckwalter COVID-19, Communication and Culture: Beyond the Global Workplace 2022 Routledge 252
Fiona Rossette-Crake Digital Oratory as Discursive Practice: From the Podium to the Screen 2022 Palgrave Macmillan 323
George Rossolatos Advances in Brand Semiotics and Discourse Analysis 2023 Vernon Press 258
Sybille Reinke_de_Buitrago Visual framings of the war in Ukraine: Evoking emotions and mobilization 2022
Ruth Amossy Discours politique et usages du passé en Argentine 2022
Katharina Gallant The “good” refugee is welcome: On the role of racism, sexism, and victimhood when fleeing from war 2022 8
Abhishek Roy, Pompy Paul Indian Televisual News Discourse on the Russia-Ukraine War 2022
Sybille Reinke_de_Buitrago Radikalisierungsnarrative online 2022 Springer VS 328
Sybille de Buitrago Radikalisierungsnarrative online 2022 Springer VS 328
George Rossolatos Radikalisierungsnarrative online 2022 Springer VS 328
Ricardo-María Jiménez, Ignacio Gargallo Resoluciones judiciales correctas, claras y precisas 2021 20
Ricardo-María Jiménez Frames del final del terrorismo de ETA. Análisis argumentativo de cuatro editoriales españoles (4 de mayo de 2018) 2022 26
Ricardo-María Jiménez, Joan Fontrodona The impact of the SDGs on non-financial corporate communications: an analysis of CaixaBank reports (2013-2019). 2022 24
Laura Moreno-Serrano The Discursive Representation of Domestic Violence in Big Little Lies: A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of the Cycle of Violence 2021 Comares 16
Ruth Argumentation et Analyse du Discours 28/2022 La légitimité et l'autorité à l'épreuve : les premières allocutions sur le coronavirus (en français et en anglais) 2022
Turpin, Patiño-Lakatos, Aubry Les discours meurtriers aujourd'hui 2022 Peter Lang 380
Dennis Puorideme An Ethnographic‑Discourse Analysis of the Socio‑political Effects of Interaction Between Cash Transfer Programme Authorities, Caregivers and Non‑beneficiaries 2022
Dennis Puorideme How men and women negotiate sociocultural relations in Asante matrilineage (abusua): an ethnographic-based discourse study 2019 18
Mahmoudi Said Discours et représentations iconiques en contexte publicitaire algérien : cas d’ooredoo 2021 Université d'Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Algérie 339
Júlio Bonatti Noam Chomsky: o autor entre a linguística e a política 2022 Editora Dialética 192
Zachary Gallant, Katharina Gallant Brauner Boden: Ein jüdischer Blick auf die deutsche Aufarbeitung der NS-Zeit 2022 Westend Academics
Katharina Gallant Trump Plays the Devil - The Devil Plays Trump 2021 Helsinki University Press
Katharina Gallant Discursive Re-Foundation of an Intercultural Abya Yala: Morales’ Discourse in the Midst of Crisis and the Tradition of Protest 2019 Palgrave Macmillan 33-68
Katharina Gallant Evo Morales und Barack Obama zwischen Kulturdialog und Kulturkonflikt: Brücken der Interkulturalität in Abya Yala und America. 2014 Weißensee Verlag
Kseniia Semykina The Crimean Conflict on Russian and Ukrainian TV: a Discourse-Theoretical Approach 2021
Patrick Bettinger Educational Perspectives on Mediality and Subjectivation. Discourse, Power and Analysis 2022 Palgrave Macmillan 136
Irem Atasoy Mediale Darstellungen der Covid-19-Pandemie in deutschen Schlagzeilen: Eine linguistische Mediendiskursanalyse von Nachrichtenüberschriften der Süddeutsche Zeitung (2020-2021) 2021
Irem Atasoy Die Darstellung Deutschlands in der türkischen Presse: Eine linguistische Mediendiskursanalyse am Beispiel der Nachrichten über Visumpraxis für Türken in ausgewählten Zeitungsnachrichten 2020 17
Irem Atasoy Representations of the Covid-19 Pandemic in German and Spanish Newspaper Headlines: A Comparative Analysis 2020
Naomi Truan The Politics of Person Reference: Third-person forms in English, German, and French 2021 John Benjamins 279
Jaspal Singh Transcultural Voices: Narrating Hip Hop Culture in Complex Delhi 2022 Multilingual Matters 310
Nora Landkammer Das Museum verlernen? Kolonialität und Vermittlung in ethnologischen Museen. Band 1: Eine Analyse gegenwärtiger Diskurse in einem konfliktreichen Praxisfeld 2021 Zaglossus
Jindřiška Svobodová, Ondřej Bláha, Ivana Dobrotová, Adam Warzecha The Power of Speech. A Critical Reading of Media and Political Texts 2020 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 188
Friedemann Vogel, Fabian Deus, Felix Tripps, Jan Rüdiger, Benjamin Bäumer, Clemens Knobloch, Ruth Mell, Hagen Schölzel, Joline Schmallenbach, Susanna Weber, Antje Wilton Diskursmonitor.de 2020
Jef Verschueren Complicity in Discourse and Practice 2022 Routledge
Adnan Ajšić Capturing Herder: a three-step approach to the identification of language ideologies using corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis 2021 32
Adnan Ajšić Language and Ethnonationalism in Contemporary West Central Balkans A Corpus-based Approach 2021 Palgrave Macmillan XII, 180
Darryl Hocking Artist’s statements, ‘how to guides’ and the conceptualisation of creative practice 2021 14
Cornelia Ilie Questioning and Answering Practices across Contexts and Cultures 2021 John Benjamins 316
Sina Läpple, Christoph, Johannes Ehrenthal, Susanne, Thomas Spranz-Fogasy Therapeutische Reaktionen auf Patientenwiderstand in psychodiagnostischen Gesprächen am Beispiel Lösungsorientierter Fragen 2021 Verlag für Gesprächsforschung 235
Ricardo-María Jiménez «Con la religión hemos dado, Sancho. Framing de la religión en editoriales de cuatro periódicos españoles». 2021 Fragua 320
Roberto Baronas, Júlio Bonatti, Marcelo Gonçalves Linguística popular: contribuições às ciências da linguagem 2021 Letraria 180
Ruth Amossy Ethos collectif et identités sociales 2021 Classiques Garnier 220
Theodore Bonnah From Plato To Pacificism: Challenging the Construction of Islands in Western Thought 2021 Rikkyo University 296
Miguel Fuster-Márquez, Carmen Gregori-Signes La construcción discursiva del turismo en la prensa española (verano del 2017)/The Discursive construction of Tourism in the Spanish Press (Summer 2017) 2019 22
Elisabeth Le Editorials and the Power of Media 2010 John Benjamins 238
Elisabeth Le The Spiral of 'Anti-Other Rhetoric' 2006 John Benjamins 280
Elisabeth Le Degrees of European Belonging 2021 John Benjamins 251
Abdelhak BENSEBIA Panorama des réflexions théoriques et méthodologiques en analyse du discours 2020 44-62
„Infektionstreiber“ im Corona-Diskurs: Der diskursive Kampf um die Lasten der Pandemiebekämpfung 2021
Vanina Mozziconacci, Samantha Saïdi, Héloïse Thomas GLAD! Revue sur le langage, le genre, les sexualités : #9 Traductologies Féministes 2020
Aurora Fragonara Le médecin locuteur en ligne: l’empathie à l’épreuve de l’objectivité scientifique 2020 Peter Lang
Jaspal Singh The sociolinguistic saffronisation of India 2020 Routledge 15
Lisa Blasch Politiker*innen als Figuren in der digitalen Mediengesellschaft: Ein diskurslinguistischer Untersuchungsrahmen. 2020 Peter Lang 266
Dominik Kremer Usage of spatial metaphor in tellings 
of the crisis 2020
Luiz Trindade Contemporary Forms of Racism and Bigotry on Social Media Platforms 2018 University of Southampton 4
Luiz Trindade Mídias sociais e a naturalização de discursos racistas no Brasil 2020 LiteraRua 15
Luiz Trindade The Silent Takeover of Power by the Far-Right 2020 3
Luiz Trindade “My hair, my crown”. Examining black Brazilian women’s anti-racist discursive strategies on social media 2020 20
Luiz Trindade Disparagement humour and gendered racism on social media in Brazil 2019 19
George Rossolatos A brand storytelling approach to Covid-19’s terrorealization: Cartographing the narrative space of a global pandemic 2020 28
Aikaterini Nikolopoulou, Elena Psyllakou The COVID-19 lockdown in Greece. Politicians, experts and public awareness campaigns in search of legitimisation 2020
Yannik Porsché Reluctant collaboration in community policing. How police team up with youth prior to 1st of May demonstrations in Germany 2021 17
Júlio Santos The role of intellectuals in times of a global pandemic: Understanding Noam Chomsky’s political activism 2020