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Desiring Just Economies / Just Economies of Desire

Nikita Dhawan (Frankfurt Research Center for Postcolonial
Studies [FRCPS], Excellence Cluster "Formation of Normative Orders"
Goethe-University Frankfurt), Antke Engel (Institute for Queer Theory,
Berlin/Hamburg), Christoph Holzhey (ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural
Inquiry), Volker Woltersdorff (SFB "Cultures of the Performative", FU
Berlin), Berlin

Confirmed Speakers: Lisa Duggan, Kevin Floyd, Josephine Ho, Ratna Kapur,
Desiree Lewis, Anne McClintock, Donald Morton

Media and media practices in minority and competitive contexts: From local to global

Few studies have been conducted on the topic of media in minority context. However, in
today’s plurilingual and multicultural societies, their role in the functioning of democracy
and in the construction of minorities’ cultural identities is crucial. These media are both
channels of communication and gathering places or common areas for communities. By
connecting individuals who share the same language, these media reinforce solidarity
within minority groups as well as their cultural identity, both at the local and global levels.

Creating Publics, Creating Democracies

That there is a relationship between publicness and democracy has often been taken for granted. However, at this time of widespread instability, political upheaval and experimentation, when publics are increasingly being called upon to act, it is sometimes in the name of democracy, but not always. By exploring how ideas and practices of publicness and democracy are being constituted, enacted, related and reconfigured in different settings, this workshop aims to investigate the modes of public action and democracy being invoked, imagined and struggled over around the world.

4th New Zealand Discourse Conference

4th New Zealand Discourse Conference
AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand

2-4 December 2013
Deadline for abstracts: 26 July 2013

AUT University, Auckland
New Zealand

Confirmed keynote speakers

Professor Cindy Gallois
Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, The University of Queensland.

Professor Adam Jaworski
Professor of Language and Communication, The University of Hong Kong.

IGALA 8: Shifting Visions: Gender, Sexuality, Discourse and Language

The 8th International Gender and Language Association Conference will take place for the first time in Canada. The venue is Simon Fraser University, Harbor Centre, located in the heart of downtown Vancouver, BC. The New York Times describes Vancouver as, “…a liquid city, a tomorrow city, equal parts India, China, England, France and the Pacific Northwest.”

The conference will provide scholars and researchers worldwide with an opportunity to present their work and share ideas in the fields of language, gender, and sexuality.

Keynote Speakers:

Second Bremen Conference on Language and Literature in Colonial and Postcolonial Contexts (BCLL #2)

Call for Papers
Second Bremen Conference on Language and Literature in Colonial and Postcolonial Contexts (BCLL #2)
In the context of the research focus Colonial and Postcolonial Studies at the University of Bremen, Germany, the interdisciplinary Second Bremen Conference on Language and Literature in Colonial and Postcolonial Contexts (BCLL #2) on

›Space in Colonial and Postcolonial Contexts:
Language, Literature, and the Construction of Place and Diaspora‹

will take place:

September 3–7, 2014

Crossroads Studies: Mobilities, Immobilities and the Issue of Positionality for Rethinking Area Studies

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear colleagues,

In the name of Crossroads Asia and the Conference Organizing Team, I cordially invite you to our upcoming Crossroads conference:

“Crossroads Studies: Mobilities, Immobilities and the Issue of Positionality for Rethinking Area Studies”

November 27-28, 2014 in Bonn.

For the conference program, please go to http://crossroads-asia.de/fileadmin/user_upload/news/Flyer_Internationa….

Warwick 19th International Postgraduate Conference in Applied Linguistics

Submitted by Sixian Hah on Fri, 08/31/2018 - 14:49

Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick is pleased to announce its 19th International Postgraduate Conference held from Tuesday, 28th to Thursday, 30th June 2016.

Our Postgraduate Conference is widely attended by many students within and outside the UK. Being a ‘conference by students for students’, we aim to provide a platform for postgraduate students to showcase their paper or poster and get valuable feedback from renowned scholars in the field.

Postmemory and the Contemporary World

Coined by Marianne Hirsch in the 1990s the term Postmemory by now entered various disciplines who search to understand how memory form our identity and of how we position, articulate or just make sense of our place in the society and our relations with it. The term Postmemory problematizes the concept of memory by bringing attention to the memories that are not exactly personal but that keep on shaping one’s life and one’s way of seeing the world.