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ESRC seminar on ‘Queering ESOL: towards a cultural politics of LGBT issues in the ESOL classroom’.

ESRC seminar on ‘Queering ESOL: towards a cultural politics of LGBT issues in the ESOL classroom’. We are pleased to announce the second in the series of six events, to be hosted at the University of Leeds. Seminar Title: Sexual Migration and the ESOL Classroom Saturday 29th March, University of Leeds, Leeds, 10.00am – 5.00pm ‘Sexual Migration and the ESOL Classroom’ is the second in a series of six ESRC-funded seminars exploring LGBT issues in the ESOL classroom, held across the Institute of Education, the University of Leeds, and King’s College London.

Séminaire ADAL

L’association ADAL (Analyse des Discours de l’Amérique Latine) a le plaisir de vous annoncer son prochain atelier doctoral qui aura lieu le vendredi 25 janvier 2013 à l’Institut des Amériques dans le Espace Tocqueville (175 rue du Chevaleret, 8e étage, Paris 13, plan d’accès en pièce jointe) de 14h30 à 17h30.

La séance, ouverte à tous, aura lieu en français et en espagnol et sera consacrée aux discours politiques argentins.

Ideological Competition in Economics: Economists and Economic Discourses in Germany and France 1980-2007”

This 'colloque junior' attempts to explore economic expert discourses in their relation to politics and the public in comparative perspective. In view of the most recent economic and financial crisis we intend to bring together young and more advanced scholars in economic history, sociology, and economy to discuss the role of economic knowledge at the interface of sciences and the state.

Urban Symbolic Landscapes: Power, Language, Memory

The Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies invites the submission of paper proposals for its cross-disciplinary symposium on urban symbolic landscapes. The symposium targets, inter alia, scholars in linguistics, geography, history, political science, anthropology, and sociology. The event is co-organised with the Department of Politics and Economic Studies and the Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies at the University of Helsinki.

URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND DISCOURSE Analysing and assessing the public communication of city development

public lecture of Shi-xu (www.shixu.com)
Centre for Contemporary Chinese Discourse Studies, Zhejiang University
at the Department of Sociology, Mainz University
on April 12, 2010
6:15 pm-7:45pm in building SB-II, third floor, room 03-153, Colonel-Kleinmann-Weg 2, 55099 Mainz