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The Power(s) of Language. Negotiating Voice and Recognition

Debates on language use, political correctness and identity politics seem to gain more and more attention in an increasingly polarizing society. Buzzwords such as cancel culture, snowflakes, woke, white fragility, safe spaces and trigger warnings are thrown around like bats in the political discourse while positioning both the speakers and the ones spoken of and for. The arguments mainly concern discriminatory wording, how to conceptualize equality and who is after all entitled to speak about certain issues.

CFP: ASOC Student E-Conference (Online Conference. Kyushu University, Japan)

Submitted by Toru Oga on Thu, 10/28/2021 - 19:13

It may be of your interest. Kyushu University will organize the ASOC Student E-Conference in November (online). It is the international conference for students (graduate or undergraduate) who will present their research. The paper givers can apply from submission for abstract. Deadline for the call for abstract is November 7, Sunday, 2021. As the main scope of the conference is Asian and Japanese Studies, we would like to have students from as diverse a background as possible apply.

Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD)

We are pleased to announce that the 9th conference of the Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD), jointly organized by the University of Bergamo and Birmingham City University, will take place from 6-8 July 2022 and will be hosted by the University of Bergamo, Italy.

Media, Language and Society: Perspectives and Reflections on the Mediatization of Culture

The twenty first century witnessed a revolutionary change in communication technology which heavily influenced our societies and cultures. Lippmann’s work (1922) was among the earliest endeavors that brought to light the impact of media on society. This was at the time when the newspaper was still the only channel of mass communication. Since then, however, important developments occurred which boosted the power of the Forth Estate.

Knowledge and Power: Epistemic Conflicts in Democracy

 This post-graduate conference is an interdisciplinary endeavour to work on the very foundations of epistemic conflict in contemporary societies. The conference welcomes contributions from postgraduate students and early-career researchers from sociology, political theory, philosophy and related disciplines. Further, we invite authors working in decolonial/post-colonial studies, feminism, critical phenomenology, and gender theory, to present their insights. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: • What is an epistemic conflict?

(Re)Contextualising the Discursive Construction of Europe

After four successful international conferences (Besançon 2013, Brussels 2015, Torino 2017 and Bucharest 2019) the Observatory of Discourses on/of Europe launches its 5th Call for papers. This year, the conference aims at exploring the linkage between the discursive constructions of Europe and their contexts of production/reception.

The 3rd International E-Symposium on Communication in Health Care

The 3rd International E-Symposium on Communication in Health Care

“Advancing Frontiers of Health Communication Research, Education and Practice during the Pandemic”

​The University of Hong Kong

Dates: 1-2 March 2021

Time: Day 1: 0900-1900 HKT; Day 2: 0900-1815 HKT

Venue: To be conducted via Zoom

FREE REGISTRATION: http://tinyurl.com/14iitvh8