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Seminario - Asamblea: Interacción y Sociedad

El I Seminario-EDiSo-Asamblea, que tendrá lugar en la Universitat de València el día 14 de junio de
2016, pretende ser la cita anual central de EDiSo, e incluirá la celebración de la Asamblea General
de la Asociación. Con este primer seminario-asamblea inauguramos una serie de encuentros
anuales que celebrará la Asociación una vez que se ha decidido celebrar el Simposio Internacional
cada dos años. Este año, el seminario cuenta con la colaboración de la Red Europea de Investigación

Ethics in/of business and professional communication

Dear Colleagues,

this is the second call for papers for this exciting event in July.

This conference addresses the issue of ethics - its expression as well as its legitimization - from a multidisciplinary approach, inviting proposals from the fields of discourse analysis, (applied) linguistics, communication studies, organizational scholarship, management studies, business communication training and coaching, and further, practice-related areas, like marketing, branding, customer service industry, financial studies and similar.

The Third International Conference on Multicultural Discourses

Submitted by xu shi on Fri, 08/31/2018 - 14:49

The Third International Conference on Multicultural Discourses
Following the great success of the first two tri-annual International Conference on Multicultural Discourses in 2004 and 2007, respectively, the Third will be held between August 27 and 29, 2010, again in Hangzhou! The organiser is the Institute of Discourse & Cultural Studies of Zhejiang University and the co-sponsor the University’s Centre for Contemporary Chinese Discourse Studies.

Dissent! Histories and Meanings of Opposition from 1968 to the Present

Globalization, post-9/11 politics and the post-2008 financial crisis have all birthed modes and histories of opposition and dissent, be they dissent from global political-economic systems or opposition to ranges of international authoritarian regimes. Contemporary dissent, however, oft-draws from forms and imaginations of earlier modes of protest, be they student protests from the late ‘60s onward, the peace movement in the same period, the anti-nukes movement of the 1980s or the anti-Apartheid movement spanning the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s.

The Seventh Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) Conference

The Seventh Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) Conference
Corpus Linguistics: The Future??

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
o Michael McCarthy, University of Nottingham
o Ronald Carter, University of Nottingham
o Brona Murphy, University of Edinburgh
o Dawn Knight, Newcastle University
o Tony McEnery, Lancaster University
o Andrew Wilson, Lancaster University

Multimodal, Multicodal, and Multisensorial Semiosis [Section of: Semio2014 – 12th World Congress of the IASS/AIS]

This section will focus on interactions between the modalities of semiosis, which have recently become a topic of interest in sociosemiotics (Kress 2010), film studies (Bate-man/Schmidt 2011), and the general analysis of multimodal documents (Bateman 2008, Jewitt 2009).