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CfP PANEL Regimenting The Public Sphere - the politics of visibility (2nd international Conference on Sociolinguistics)

The category of visibility constitutes a key dimension of the public sphere, up to the extent that the public sphere can be characterized as constituted in/by struggles over visibility. At the threshold of visibility, one often encounters power struggles over what aspects of social and cultural practices deserve a public stage, and what aspects should be relegated to the private sphere (or made invisible altogether).

International Conference on Historical News Discourse (CHINED III)

Keywords:Discourse Analysis; Historical Linguistics; Sociolinguistics

Call Deadline: 15-Dec-2012

We are pleased to announce the 3rd International Conference on Historical News Discourse (CHINED III), which follows up the inspiring conferences held in Florence (2004) and Zurich (2007). CHINED III will take place in Rostock, Germany, 18-19 May 2012.

International Conference on the Cultural Politics of Memory

Deadline for the receipt of abstracts: 31 January 2014

The politics of remembering and forgetting are important social and cultural issues. The authority, power and resources with which to create hegemonic versions of the past – to give authoritative accounts that are available in the public domain – are largely the property of institutions. Questions of power, voice, representation and identity are central to Cultural and Collective Memory.