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Fifth International Conference on Multimodality (5ICOM)

5ICOM is a meeting point for international scholars and practitioners from a wide range of
disciplines, including communication and language studies, social semiotics, linguistics,
education, (new) media studies, design, traditional and new media arts, cultural studies,
sociology, history, and (computer) science.


Plenary speakers

Juliane House (Hamburg University, Germany)
Gunther Kress (University of London. UK)
Michel Marcoccia (Troyes University of Technology, France)
Jeremy Munday (University of Leeds, UK)
Luis Pérez-González (University of Manchester, UK)
Miranda Stewart (Hellenic American University, Athens, Greece)

http://linguistlist.org/confcustom/CCPII 2011 (see call for paper below)

The 4th International Conference on Multicultural Discourses


1) To bring together scholars, researchers, and practitioners from around the globe to contribute to a stimulating and rewarding exchange of ideas and techniques regarding discourse studies;

2) To enhance cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and research innovation in discourse studies;

3) To facilitate the formation of collaborative research networks among conference participants.


Cultural reflexivity and innovation in discourse studies

Babylon Workshop: Contemporary authenticities: Towards complexity

Organized by Babylon, Center for the Study of Superdiversity and the Network on Globalization in the Margins

Following up on a very successful workshop in June 2012, Babylon organizes a sequel workshop addressing new forms of authenticity in an age of globalization and superdiversity. The central argument in the workshop is that forms of authenticity today need to be understood in terms of complexity rather than multiplicity, and thus demand a new and creative framework for addressing them.

International Conference: “Things unsaid...” AFI 2014

Studies in language science and communication have shown that in any form of discourse there may be a gap between what is said and what is meant. It is the contents actually intended to be communicated – the meaning we can call implicit, unexpressed, figurative, or indirect – which has to be taken into account to get the speaker’s actual meaning. Fields of study such as pragmatics and rhetoric make it possible to define the various existing implicit forms and, above all, unveil the various strategies used in the production and understanding of this type of form.

Text and discourse on confrontation

Le réseau DITECO (Discours, Textes, Corpus qui réunit des enseignants-chercheurs des groupes de recherche de l’Université de Lorraine, la Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, l’Université de Paris Est Créteil Paris 12, et l’Université Libre de Bruxelles) organise un colloque international de quatre jours à la rentrée 2015 sur les modèles européens élaborés et pratiqués dans les théories discursives et/ou textuelles aujourd’hui.

Knowledge production in a hybrid age: Contemporary and historical perspectives on producing textbooks and digital educational media

There is no teaching without media. But what do we know about decision-making processes on what is included in these media, how they are designed, and how they shape what future generations are to know about the world? Today’s schools are media-rich environments, from traditional paper textbooks to interactive digital textbooks and further media including open educational resources (OER). The increasing appearance of new educational technology in today’s classrooms makes it imperative to rethink classic questions about knowledge production in schools.

2016 Critical Studies Research Group Conference on Resistance

Dear all,

*** Apologies for Cross Posting ****

I hope you are having a good year and would like to invite you to submit an abstract for the 2016 Critical Studies Research Group Conference on Resistance.


13th-14th June 2016
Grand Parade, University of Brighton

Deadline for submission: 1st February 2016

Third Bremen Conference on Multimodality

BreMM17 is the third in a series of conferences dedicated to bringing together different disciplinary and methodological approaches to the study of multimodality in various academic contexts. More than ever, multimodality is one of the most influential semiotic theories for analyzing media artifacts, and it enjoys growing global popularity. However, this popularity does not imply universality: the conceptual anchoring of multimodality as well as its empirical applications often remain nationally and regionally grounded.