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Distant collaboration in a digitalized world of work: media and digital competences, organizational design and discourses


The LITME@WORK research project (www.litmeatwork.be) is pleased to invite researchers to submit abstracts for presentation at its closing conference: "Distant collaboration in a digitalized world of work: media and digital competences, organizational design and discourses". The conference will be held at the University of Namur(Belgium) on the 8th, 9th and 10th of May 2019.

Call for Papers and Panels (ECPR 2019): It’s About Time: Temporality and Complexity in Public Policy

It’s About Time: Temporality and Complexity in Public Policy

Section endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group “Theoretical Perspectives in Policy Analysis”



International Conference in Ideology and Discourse Analysis 2019 Logics, Critical Explanation and the Future of Critical Political Theory: Applying Discourse Analysis in Multiple Contexts

International Conference in Ideology and Discourse Analysis 2019

Logics, Critical Explanation and the Future of Critical Political Theory: Applying Discourse Analysis in Multiple Contexts

University of Essex

May 31 - June 1 2019

Call for Papers & Panels

5th ESTIDIA Conference - Hybrid Dialogues: Transcending Binary Thinking and Moving Away from Societal Polarizations

The 5th ESTIDIA conference, to be held on 19-21 September 2019, is organised by ESTIDIA together with the I-LanD Interuniversity Research Centre and hosted by the University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’. The theme of the conference was prompted by the risks and challenges posed by the increasing use of virulent polemics both on- and off-line that are constantly shifting the boundaries between traditionally dichotomous forms of communication (e.g., public/private, face-to-face/virtual, formal/informal, polite/impolite) and types of mindsets (e.g., trust/dis

Call for papers: Panel on “Language and sexuality before Stonewall”


This is a call for papers for a panel to be held at the 26th Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference, which will take place May 2-4, 2019, at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden (conference website: https://lavlang26.wordpress.com/).


Call for papers: Panel on “Language and sexuality before Stonewall”

Panel organisers:

Analyzing Discourse and Foucauldian Regimes of Power/Knowledge with the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse and related perspectives

The session will discuss empirical research on discourses and regimes of power/knowledge in different social areas, using the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse (SKAD). This perspective on discourses and their analysis draws on Foucault, Berger and Luckmann and the interpretative paradigm of sociology including symbolic interactionism and "communicative constructivism". In comparison to the Foucauldian tradition, SKAD focuses more on social actors and societal arenas of discursive disputes.

The Discursive Construction of Reality IV - Interdisciplinary perspectives on a sociology of knowledge approach to discourse research

Over the last decade, the research programme outlined by the sociology of knowledge approach to discourse (SKAD) has spread to many disciplines in social science. A common interest in discourse research has resulted in a widely distributed community that prevalently, but not exclusively, uses qualitative research designs to examine forms of 'discursive construction of reality'.

Violence in the Digital Age

Submitted by Jan Krasni on Sat, 09/15/2018 - 21:03

The digital age transformed the traditional forms of violence but also caused new ones. The hopes to overcome the negative sides of the human community in the age of Internet and social networks have come true only to a certain degree. New 'weaker' and more democratic communication modes reproduce the system of control and overall oppressing structure of victimization, but in an even more inclusive sense.